#45 and #46 - Cook/Bake something new every month - I've been trying new things at random, not necessarily once a month. I've made a few different versions of chilli that has all been yummy. I made a pork tenderloin roast and diced yukon potatoes one night. I have photos - if I can find them on the computer, I'll post them someday. I made peanut butter fudge for the holidays and also some german chocolate butterscotch chip cookies. I also made some crinkle cookie type things. I got a standup mixer for Christmas, so I should be able to bake up a storm now!
#62 - Paint Brinkley a Treat Jar - In addition to painting Brent a plate and Christmas ornament, I also painted Brinkley's treat jar. It's not completely finished. I need one more trip to the pottery place and then it needs fired before it will be finished. Once it's done, I'll post a picture!
#89 - Replace my car windshield - I have the money set aside to do this in spring!! I'm excited - the crack has gotten longer and longer! My car rolled over 50,000 miles a few weeks ago. I celebrated by giving it new tires! Woohoo!
#3 Learn Pilates - I have a DVD that I've been doing a few times a week. It's only one 15 minute segment that I keep repeating. I have 10 different options on the DVD though so I think I should branch out a bit now that I'm getting the hang of it! I'm not sure if I'll consider this goal complete or not. I think I'll wait until I've tried all of the segments and have been doing it more than the one segment consistently for a few months. In progress should count for something though!
#39 - Read 101 non-school related books - This has been the one that is haunting me. I have so much studying to do that I can seem to crack a book that doesn't have anything to do with comps in spring. I started reading Pork Chop Hill last week but have yet to finish the introduction. Blech. I miss leisure reading.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Yes, I know it's been a while...
I've been slowly checking things off the list, even if I haven't blogged about them. Brinkley and I now make a pretty good pair running together so I've considered that goal complete. We also took a camping trip back in July, maybe someday I'll get around to posting pictures. Bryn and I went to see My Fair Lady at the Buelle and are headed back this weekend to see Avenue Q!
My reading of non-school related books has been hindered by school. I did read a few over the summer about women marines so I've included those on the 101 list. My family history and super genius business idea still float in and out of daily work but nothing substantial has been completed. The writing in the little black journal also has been sporadic lately. Mush! Yes, I know. I haven't started Brinkley's scrapbook yet, but I did finish one for Brent and I for our first year, which I consider an accomplishment. 50 some pages - so Brinkley's is next in line!
I haven't gotten rid of anything yet, so with my new cramped like closet space these days thanks to the addition of a roommate, I think I'll try focusing on that next.
Not a great update, but checking off some goals is better than nothing!
My reading of non-school related books has been hindered by school. I did read a few over the summer about women marines so I've included those on the 101 list. My family history and super genius business idea still float in and out of daily work but nothing substantial has been completed. The writing in the little black journal also has been sporadic lately. Mush! Yes, I know. I haven't started Brinkley's scrapbook yet, but I did finish one for Brent and I for our first year, which I consider an accomplishment. 50 some pages - so Brinkley's is next in line!
I haven't gotten rid of anything yet, so with my new cramped like closet space these days thanks to the addition of a roommate, I think I'll try focusing on that next.
Not a great update, but checking off some goals is better than nothing!
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Check, check, check
Ok, so I've been busy and have along the way done a few things on the list.
40. Visit a different museum each month. This one has shifted a little bit but it's still the same. I've been visiting a different archive every month, which is really what I'll be working in so I have been learning a tremendous amount. For instance, the Greeley Museum is beautiful and has a great building, BUT the archive/reading room is a dungeon. It's crappy and the people are not very friendly. It's at the bottom of the list of places that I'd apply to. The nerd in me though was still excited so I took a picture.
59. See My Fair Lady at the Buelle - The tickets are purchased and Bryn and I are going next Saturday night. I'm super excited!
36. Start and Finish writing my family history & 72. Continue working on my genius business idea... I've started both of these. I've been in contact with people and have received paperwork concerning my grandfather's time in the Korean War. I've scanned a ton of old pictures too. And built this Family History Website.
66. Train Brink to run with me. At this point, we've been on a handful of runs together and I think the best part is that he hasn't killed me. We still have work to do but we're getting there. Better weather will definitely help with consistency on my part!
75. Write a resume! This one I'm really excited about! We had the opportunity to do them for a class and have peer/prof review so I took it! And I did a great job too! So now I'm really relieved to have a good one written up and ready to go. Now I'll just have to stay consistent on updated the current parts to reflect all of the skills that I keep learning! Go me!
40. Visit a different museum each month. This one has shifted a little bit but it's still the same. I've been visiting a different archive every month, which is really what I'll be working in so I have been learning a tremendous amount. For instance, the Greeley Museum is beautiful and has a great building, BUT the archive/reading room is a dungeon. It's crappy and the people are not very friendly. It's at the bottom of the list of places that I'd apply to. The nerd in me though was still excited so I took a picture.
59. See My Fair Lady at the Buelle - The tickets are purchased and Bryn and I are going next Saturday night. I'm super excited!
36. Start and Finish writing my family history & 72. Continue working on my genius business idea... I've started both of these. I've been in contact with people and have received paperwork concerning my grandfather's time in the Korean War. I've scanned a ton of old pictures too. And built this Family History Website.
66. Train Brink to run with me. At this point, we've been on a handful of runs together and I think the best part is that he hasn't killed me. We still have work to do but we're getting there. Better weather will definitely help with consistency on my part!
75. Write a resume! This one I'm really excited about! We had the opportunity to do them for a class and have peer/prof review so I took it! And I did a great job too! So now I'm really relieved to have a good one written up and ready to go. Now I'll just have to stay consistent on updated the current parts to reflect all of the skills that I keep learning! Go me!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
45. Bake something new every month

Oh, and I got in just under the wire on this one. Thanks to a leap day, these were baked in February! HA!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
46. Cook something new every month
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
39. Read 101 non-school related books

Saturday, February 9, 2008
83. Buy something from Victoria's Secret
I'm a girl of comfort and simplicity so the whole concept of all those options, colors, and functions that glare at you from the windows of Victoria's Secret all seemed a tad overkill and unnecessary. Years of avoidance made my shopping trip to VS quite the adventure. It turned out to be more fun than I had expected and I can say now that I'm the proud owner of one of those pink striped bags because I actually did buy stuff! I'll probably go back at some point. I kind of ran out of time the day I was there! All those options, colors, and functions mean that there is definitely a lot to look at while you're there!
Monday, January 21, 2008
The list with some commentary...
Ok, here's the list and some reasons why certain things showed up on the list. It will be permanent down the right side, and that's where I'll put my completion dates and links to the blog posts that explain the misadventures! I tried to put them into groups just so the list would be a little easier to read. The start day is February 1st, 2008 and the last day will be October 28, 2010 - I'll be 29 years old.
1. Run a full marathon - preferably one nearby so my family can actually be there for it, which means hill workouts will be in my future.
2. Run a Sub 30 minute 5k - that means I'll have to run faster than I do now, which means speed workouts will be in my future too.
3. Learn Yoga - more flexibility would be a good thing.
4. Learn Pilates - so would a strong core. I say bring on the six pack abs! Seriously.
5. Learn to Kayak - not down rivers, just across lakes. I'm not one for banging my head against rocks. I've spent too much money and effort filling this brain up with useless historical facts.
6. Start a health savings plan - who knows when I actually have a real job with benefits and health insurance, so doing something like this would probably best in the long run.
7. Get recertified in CPR - something about having my nephew around makes me want to cover my tracks. I don't want to me the one who didn't remember 7th grade health class.
8. Donate Blood - it's something I've always wanted to do but I'm slightly afraid of the whole HUGE needle thing.
9. Complete a century ride - 100 miles of scenery on a bicycle...who wouldn't want to? I've always wanted to ride more. It's good cross training for running too.
10. Order a RoadID - it's a handy identification tag/necklace so that if I happen to get hit by a car while out running/cycling, the EMT's know who I am and have contact info handy. I don't run with my wallet and stuff so this is one of those been meaning to do things.
11. Build a snowman
12. Climb a 14'er
13. Play BINGO with Heidi
14. Visit Lana if Florida - I haven't seen her since freshman year of college so it would be excellent to hang out with the crazy girl again.
15. Go paint balling - Sounds like a kick in the pants to me!
16. Lake John Father's Day Trip - I had fun last year and I think it should become one of those tradition type things.
17. Go sledding - I need to learn to enjoy winter again so maybe this will help.
18. Fishing Miracle Mile with Pops - It's something we've always talked about doing.
19. Fly fishing/Camping trip - As in, hiking in some place to go camping and fly fishing.
20. Go to the Great Sand Dunes - It's crazy to think it's so close and I've yet to make it there.
21. Go snowshoeing - Sounds like an adventure, I'm game!
22. Camp under the stars without a tent - Stargazing at its finest!
23. Go skinny dipping - Yep, something that just has to be done.
24. Oh! Canada - If I'm all the way up in Idaho, I may as well make a trip of it!
25. Visit Marshal in Idaho
26. Missouri Road Trip - WWI Museum, President Truman Library, President Eisenhower Library...perfect for a history geek road trip!
27. Scotland/Ireland after graduation trip - I've always wanted to go and have been planning this as my reward for graduating from grad school.
28. NYC with the girls - We always say we should do something like this and never get around to it. I think we should all know how quickly life can change so making a million memories on a trip like this would be incredible.
29. Go back to Puerto Rico - I miss Kathy and would love to go back. And the added bonus is that it's a super cheap vacation.
30. Visit Yellowstone National Park - I've seen some pretty unbelievable landscapes in Colorado so I'm sure I'll be disappointed. It just seems like one of those things that has to be put on the list.
31. Motorcycle camp trip - It could be tricky without saddle bags but maybe this could also be the trip where I sleep without a tent!! HA!
32. Be better about keeping in touch with people - Whether through snail mail, email, text...with today's conveniences there really should be no excuse.
33. Read 25 "Banned Books"
34. Continue writing in the little black journal - As much as I really enjoy this, I'm going to have stay disciplined not to let it get lost in the chaos of grad school!
35. Write a family cookbook - complete with pictures - I'm hoping this can be completed along with the cooking/baking every month.
36. Start and finish writing my family history book - This one will help me get a jump on starting my business down the road.
37. Get an article published
38. Rewrite the start of my book
39. Read a 101 books - non-school related - I'd make this more books but the school books piled on top of this stack will make it a challenge.
Ongoing Learning
40. Visit a different museum each month - I always have fun when I go and given that it's something I'm actually studying and may someday work in, I should probably broaden my horizons in that aspect.
41. Try to keep up with Heidi on the ASL thing - Yeah, it's amazing how much you forget when you don't practice this one goal is suppose to get me to do that more. And if I have the time, take more classes.
42. Learn an entire song on the guitar - I know bits and pieces of a few so i think it's just matter of practicing more.
43. Learn to play the piano - Yet another thing that I've always wanted to do.
44. Master the making of a boston creme pie - Mmmm, mmmm, good.
45. Bake something new every month - I really need to broaden my horizons in the kitchen so hopefully this goal will help me!
46. Cook something new every month - I'm getting really sick of eating the same variations of meals for lunch and dinner so this should help with that.
47. Take a cooking class or two through the recreator
48. Learn how to sew - It's been way too long since Girl Scouts and I've forgotten the basics.
Arts & Entertainment
49. See Michael Buble
50. See the Last Five Years at the Buell Theatre
51. Keep up with Worm's Eye View
52. Get and use film in the old Kodak 620 - This one is kind of tricky because I've only found one place online to buy film and get it developed. And I'll have the learning curve of getting the camera to expose properly.
53. Help Dad digitize his 8mm's
54. Digitize the 8mm film from Disneyworld and UW
55. Watch the Band of Brothers Series on DVD
56. Get 5 photos published
57. Take more black and white photos - It would be even better if I had a darkroom to do all the processing and stuff in.
58. Start a black and white family photo wall
59. See My Fair Lady at the Buell - This is supposedly the best musical of all time so I should check it out while it's nearby.
60. See Jersey Boys at the Buell
61. See Avenue Q at the Buell - The songs are hilarious so I'd imagine the show will be hysterical.
62. Paint him a treat jar
63. Take him camping
64. Start his scrapbook
65. Train him to hunt
66. Train him to run with me - This means A LOT of training. We're still working on the basic leash manners right now.
67. Run in the Fire Hydrant 5k with him
68. Graduate - Even if this is the only thing that gets completed on this list, I will be absolutely satisfied.
69. Buy a suit - Yeah, I'm going to have to look for a real job one day and this may come in handy.
70. Save $5 a week for all 143 weeks of this challenge
71. Pay off the motorcycle
72. Continue working on my genius business idea - If I take this in baby steps maybe I can have in up and running condition in about 5 years. I'm going to have to do a lot of reading before hand.
73. Start and IRA
74. Write a cover letter
75. Write a resume
76. Buy some canvas grocery bags and use them - I'd also like to do a lot better at recycling in general and stuff. I get lazy about it a lot.
77. Discard the travel and photography magazine after keeping needed articles - This is a pretty big stack and means that I could also eliminate a piece of furniture when I'm done with it.
78. Weed through my VHS tapes - This could also possibly help me eliminate a piece of furniture.
79. Part ways with 20 books - This will hurt some because I love books so much and would love to have a great library someday. There are definitely books that I will never read again that I should be able to get rid of.
80. Organize the massive slide collection - After processing slide collections, I recognize the importance of labeling things!!
81. Get rid of 50 useless items - I'd love to get rid of even more though. I really hate that overstuffed, materialistic feeling.
82. Get rid of 50 items of clothing - I'm also certain I could probably get rid of more. Probably 75% of my shirts don't even fit any more.
83. Buy something from Victoria's Secret - Nothing in particular, just something for me!
84. Dance in the rain
85. Get a victory tattoo for finishing the marathon - Of what I'm not sure. I have some time to decide though!
86. Actually make one of the many t-shirt ideas that I have
87. Fix my eagle necklace
88. Get the Tower of Terror poster framed
89. Replace my car windshield
90. Paint the hall wall
91. Start the post card collection - Instead of buying lots of tourist trinkets and stuff, I thought that I would start a post card collection. Memories could be written on the back of each to be a convenient piece of conversation and they are cheap and small!
It's Not All About Me
92. Leave a 100% tip
93. Pay for the person behind me in the drive thru
94. Donate $5 for every task not complete to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
95. Do Team in Training again - Possibly for the Century Ride around Lake Tahoe.
96. Volunteer for Light the Night again
97. Send a care package through anysoldier.com
98. Bryn's...
99. Sara's - Go for one whole day without coffee - While this may sound easy, I'm a grad student and LIVE for my coffee.
100. Heidi's...
And last but not least...
101. Throw a list completed party for Bryn and Me when this all over! - More parties definitely need to be thrown and this would be a great excuse for one!! It will also be October 28th so this could be a Halloween themed celebration party!! That would be excellent!
1. Run a full marathon - preferably one nearby so my family can actually be there for it, which means hill workouts will be in my future.
2. Run a Sub 30 minute 5k - that means I'll have to run faster than I do now, which means speed workouts will be in my future too.
3. Learn Yoga - more flexibility would be a good thing.
4. Learn Pilates - so would a strong core. I say bring on the six pack abs! Seriously.
5. Learn to Kayak - not down rivers, just across lakes. I'm not one for banging my head against rocks. I've spent too much money and effort filling this brain up with useless historical facts.
6. Start a health savings plan - who knows when I actually have a real job with benefits and health insurance, so doing something like this would probably best in the long run.
7. Get recertified in CPR - something about having my nephew around makes me want to cover my tracks. I don't want to me the one who didn't remember 7th grade health class.
8. Donate Blood - it's something I've always wanted to do but I'm slightly afraid of the whole HUGE needle thing.
9. Complete a century ride - 100 miles of scenery on a bicycle...who wouldn't want to? I've always wanted to ride more. It's good cross training for running too.
10. Order a RoadID - it's a handy identification tag/necklace so that if I happen to get hit by a car while out running/cycling, the EMT's know who I am and have contact info handy. I don't run with my wallet and stuff so this is one of those been meaning to do things.
11. Build a snowman
12. Climb a 14'er
13. Play BINGO with Heidi
14. Visit Lana if Florida - I haven't seen her since freshman year of college so it would be excellent to hang out with the crazy girl again.
15. Go paint balling - Sounds like a kick in the pants to me!
16. Lake John Father's Day Trip - I had fun last year and I think it should become one of those tradition type things.
17. Go sledding - I need to learn to enjoy winter again so maybe this will help.
18. Fishing Miracle Mile with Pops - It's something we've always talked about doing.
19. Fly fishing/Camping trip - As in, hiking in some place to go camping and fly fishing.
20. Go to the Great Sand Dunes - It's crazy to think it's so close and I've yet to make it there.
21. Go snowshoeing - Sounds like an adventure, I'm game!
22. Camp under the stars without a tent - Stargazing at its finest!
23. Go skinny dipping - Yep, something that just has to be done.
24. Oh! Canada - If I'm all the way up in Idaho, I may as well make a trip of it!
25. Visit Marshal in Idaho
26. Missouri Road Trip - WWI Museum, President Truman Library, President Eisenhower Library...perfect for a history geek road trip!
27. Scotland/Ireland after graduation trip - I've always wanted to go and have been planning this as my reward for graduating from grad school.
28. NYC with the girls - We always say we should do something like this and never get around to it. I think we should all know how quickly life can change so making a million memories on a trip like this would be incredible.
29. Go back to Puerto Rico - I miss Kathy and would love to go back. And the added bonus is that it's a super cheap vacation.
30. Visit Yellowstone National Park - I've seen some pretty unbelievable landscapes in Colorado so I'm sure I'll be disappointed. It just seems like one of those things that has to be put on the list.
31. Motorcycle camp trip - It could be tricky without saddle bags but maybe this could also be the trip where I sleep without a tent!! HA!
32. Be better about keeping in touch with people - Whether through snail mail, email, text...with today's conveniences there really should be no excuse.
33. Read 25 "Banned Books"
34. Continue writing in the little black journal - As much as I really enjoy this, I'm going to have stay disciplined not to let it get lost in the chaos of grad school!
35. Write a family cookbook - complete with pictures - I'm hoping this can be completed along with the cooking/baking every month.
36. Start and finish writing my family history book - This one will help me get a jump on starting my business down the road.
37. Get an article published
38. Rewrite the start of my book
39. Read a 101 books - non-school related - I'd make this more books but the school books piled on top of this stack will make it a challenge.
Ongoing Learning
40. Visit a different museum each month - I always have fun when I go and given that it's something I'm actually studying and may someday work in, I should probably broaden my horizons in that aspect.
41. Try to keep up with Heidi on the ASL thing - Yeah, it's amazing how much you forget when you don't practice this one goal is suppose to get me to do that more. And if I have the time, take more classes.
42. Learn an entire song on the guitar - I know bits and pieces of a few so i think it's just matter of practicing more.
43. Learn to play the piano - Yet another thing that I've always wanted to do.
44. Master the making of a boston creme pie - Mmmm, mmmm, good.
45. Bake something new every month - I really need to broaden my horizons in the kitchen so hopefully this goal will help me!
46. Cook something new every month - I'm getting really sick of eating the same variations of meals for lunch and dinner so this should help with that.
47. Take a cooking class or two through the recreator
48. Learn how to sew - It's been way too long since Girl Scouts and I've forgotten the basics.
Arts & Entertainment
49. See Michael Buble
50. See the Last Five Years at the Buell Theatre
51. Keep up with Worm's Eye View
52. Get and use film in the old Kodak 620 - This one is kind of tricky because I've only found one place online to buy film and get it developed. And I'll have the learning curve of getting the camera to expose properly.
53. Help Dad digitize his 8mm's
54. Digitize the 8mm film from Disneyworld and UW
55. Watch the Band of Brothers Series on DVD
56. Get 5 photos published
57. Take more black and white photos - It would be even better if I had a darkroom to do all the processing and stuff in.
58. Start a black and white family photo wall
59. See My Fair Lady at the Buell - This is supposedly the best musical of all time so I should check it out while it's nearby.
60. See Jersey Boys at the Buell
61. See Avenue Q at the Buell - The songs are hilarious so I'd imagine the show will be hysterical.
62. Paint him a treat jar
63. Take him camping
64. Start his scrapbook
65. Train him to hunt
66. Train him to run with me - This means A LOT of training. We're still working on the basic leash manners right now.
67. Run in the Fire Hydrant 5k with him
68. Graduate - Even if this is the only thing that gets completed on this list, I will be absolutely satisfied.
69. Buy a suit - Yeah, I'm going to have to look for a real job one day and this may come in handy.
70. Save $5 a week for all 143 weeks of this challenge
71. Pay off the motorcycle
72. Continue working on my genius business idea - If I take this in baby steps maybe I can have in up and running condition in about 5 years. I'm going to have to do a lot of reading before hand.
73. Start and IRA
74. Write a cover letter
75. Write a resume
76. Buy some canvas grocery bags and use them - I'd also like to do a lot better at recycling in general and stuff. I get lazy about it a lot.
77. Discard the travel and photography magazine after keeping needed articles - This is a pretty big stack and means that I could also eliminate a piece of furniture when I'm done with it.
78. Weed through my VHS tapes - This could also possibly help me eliminate a piece of furniture.
79. Part ways with 20 books - This will hurt some because I love books so much and would love to have a great library someday. There are definitely books that I will never read again that I should be able to get rid of.
80. Organize the massive slide collection - After processing slide collections, I recognize the importance of labeling things!!
81. Get rid of 50 useless items - I'd love to get rid of even more though. I really hate that overstuffed, materialistic feeling.
82. Get rid of 50 items of clothing - I'm also certain I could probably get rid of more. Probably 75% of my shirts don't even fit any more.
83. Buy something from Victoria's Secret - Nothing in particular, just something for me!
84. Dance in the rain
85. Get a victory tattoo for finishing the marathon - Of what I'm not sure. I have some time to decide though!
86. Actually make one of the many t-shirt ideas that I have
87. Fix my eagle necklace
88. Get the Tower of Terror poster framed
89. Replace my car windshield
90. Paint the hall wall
91. Start the post card collection - Instead of buying lots of tourist trinkets and stuff, I thought that I would start a post card collection. Memories could be written on the back of each to be a convenient piece of conversation and they are cheap and small!
It's Not All About Me
92. Leave a 100% tip
93. Pay for the person behind me in the drive thru
94. Donate $5 for every task not complete to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
95. Do Team in Training again - Possibly for the Century Ride around Lake Tahoe.
96. Volunteer for Light the Night again
97. Send a care package through anysoldier.com
98. Bryn's...
99. Sara's - Go for one whole day without coffee - While this may sound easy, I'm a grad student and LIVE for my coffee.
100. Heidi's...
And last but not least...
101. Throw a list completed party for Bryn and Me when this all over! - More parties definitely need to be thrown and this would be a great excuse for one!! It will also be October 28th so this could be a Halloween themed celebration party!! That would be excellent!
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