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Saturday, June 27, 2009
A book...and a test.
I read the ARRL Amateur Test study book for the Technician License over the past week and half. It did the trick. I tested 100% today! Whoohoo!
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Partners in Crime
Bryn and Me
Here's my attempt at completing 101 things in 1001 days. It should be a lot of fun, especially because my friend Bryn is doing the challenge with me. This blog will record my progress and misadventures! Go Us!
Go Bryn Go!
Bryn's 101 in 1001 List
Blog Archive
A book...and a test.
I read another book!
101 in 1001 Master List
In Progress
In no particular order...
1. Run a full marathon
2. Run a sub 30:00 5K
3. Learn pilates
4. Learn yoga
5. Learn to kayak
6. Set up a health savings account (12/7/2009)
7. Get recertified in CPR
8. Donate blood
9. Complete a century ride
10. Order a RoadID
11. Build a snowman
12. Climb a 14'er
13. Play BINGO with Heidi
14. Visit Lana in Michigan
15. Go Paintballing
16. Lake John Father's Day Trip
17. Go sledding
18. Fishing Miracle Mile with pops
19. Flyfishing/camping trip
20. Go to the Great Sand Dunes
21. Go snowshoeing (01/31/2010)
22. Camp under the stars without a tent
23. Go Skinny Dipping
24. Oh! Canada - when I go see Marshal in Idaho
25. Visit Marshal in Council, Idaho
26. Missouri Road Trip
27. Scotland/Ireland after graduation trip
28. NYC with the girls
29. Go back to Puerto Rico
30. Visit Yellowstone National Park
31. Motorcycle camp trip
32. Be better about keeping in touch with people
33. Read 25 "Banned Books"
34. Continue writing in the little black journal
35. Write a family cookbook - complete with photos
36. Start and Finish writing family history book
37. Get an article published
38. Rewrite the start of my book
39. Read 101 Books - non-school related
Ongoing Learning
40. Visit a different museum each month.
41. Try to keep up with Heidi on the ASL thing
42. Learn an entire song on the guitar
43. Learn to play the piano
44. Master the making of a Boston Creme Pie
45. Bake something new every month (
46. Cook something new every month (
47. Take a cooking class or two through the Recreator
48. Learn how to sew
Arts & Entertainment
49. See Michael Buble in concert
50. See The Last Five Years at the Buell
51. Keep up Worm's Eye View
52. Get and use film in the old Kodak 620
53. Help Dad digitize his 8mm's
54. Digitize the 8mm film from UW and Disneyworld
55. Watch the Band of Brothers series on DVD (0/10 episodes)
56. Get 5 photos published
57. Take more black and white photos
58. Start a black and white family photo wall (1/27/2010)
59. See My Fair Lady at the Buell 3/08
60. See Jersey Boys at the Buell 12/08
61. See Avenue Q at the Buell 9/08
Brinkley Miles
62. Paint him a treat jar
Take him camping
64. Start his scrapbook
65. Train him to hunt
66. Train him to run with me
67. Run in the Fire Hydrant 5k with him
68. Umm, Graduate. Yeah, this is the most important one. 5/15/09
69. Buy a suit
70. Save $5 each week of this 1001 days ($715 saved! - May '09)
71. Pay off the motorcycle
72. Continue working on my genius business idea
73. Start an IRA
74. Write a cover letter (It's awesome!)
75. Write a resume 3/22/08
76. Buy some canvas grocery bags and use them
77. Discard the photography and travel magazine piles after keeping needed articles (July 2009)
78. Weed through the VHS tapes of TV programs
79. Part ways with 20 books (July 2009)
80. Organize the massive slide colleciton
81. Get rid of 50 useless items
82. Get rid of 50 items of clothing
83. Buy something from Victoria's Secret 2/2/08
84. Dance in the rain
85. Get a victory tattoo for finishing the marathon
86. Actually make one of the many random shirt ideas that I come up with
87. Fix my eagle necklace
88. Get the latest Tower of Terror poster framed
89. Replace my car windshield (09/2009)
90. Paint the hall wall (1/27/2010)
91. Start the post card collection
It's Not All About Me
92. Leave a 100% tip (Feb. 2009)
93. Pay for the person behind me in the drive thru line
94. Donate $5 to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society for every task not completed at the end of 1001 days
95. Do Team in Training again
96. Volunteer for Light the Night again
97. Send a care package through
98. Bryn's...Do not wear a hat for an entire week. (ouch!)
99. Sara's...Go without coffee for an entire day. (Multiple times over!)
100. Heidi's...
And Last But Not Least...
101. Throw a list completed party for Bryn and Me!
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