Friday, September 19, 2008

Yes, I know it's been a while...

I've been slowly checking things off the list, even if I haven't blogged about them. Brinkley and I now make a pretty good pair running together so I've considered that goal complete. We also took a camping trip back in July, maybe someday I'll get around to posting pictures. Bryn and I went to see My Fair Lady at the Buelle and are headed back this weekend to see Avenue Q!

My reading of non-school related books has been hindered by school. I did read a few over the summer about women marines so I've included those on the 101 list. My family history and super genius business idea still float in and out of daily work but nothing substantial has been completed. The writing in the little black journal also has been sporadic lately. Mush! Yes, I know. I haven't started Brinkley's scrapbook yet, but I did finish one for Brent and I for our first year, which I consider an accomplishment. 50 some pages - so Brinkley's is next in line!

I haven't gotten rid of anything yet, so with my new cramped like closet space these days thanks to the addition of a roommate, I think I'll try focusing on that next.

Not a great update, but checking off some goals is better than nothing!